Application for a Master's Degree
The procedure for applying for a master's degree at the Graduate School of Humanities is as follows. Please prepare as soon as possible so that you do not need to rush before the deadline.
We will notify you on the mailing list for graduate students when the period for each application starts and the exact deadlines.
1. Thesis Title Notification(Deadline:The middle of May)
This procedure requires you to use the NUCT website of Nagoya University.
NUCT website (You will need your Meidai ID and password)
*For those using NUCT for the first time
Please refer to the manuals on the following website.
1) Download the "Master's Thesis Title Notification" form from NUCT.
2) Fill in the form, print it out and get approval (seal) from your supervisor.
3) Submit your "Master's Thesis Title Notification" to the Office of Student Affairs, Graduate School of Humanities.
4) After submitting your "Master's Thesis Title Notification" to the Student Affairs Office, you must submit the title via NUCT as well.
5) When the screen changes, write your title in the text box in the "Submission" section.
6) When you click the "Submit" button, your thesis title will be submitted, and the final confirmation screen will be displayed. If you have made a mistake entering the title, please submit it again.
2. Check "Diploma Details Confirmation Form"(Period:Late June to Early July)
1) Check the content of the form which will be used when producing your diploma. Further details about how to do this will be provided later.
3. Thesis Submission(Deadline:Late June)
1) You must submit the hardcopy original version of your thesis to the Student Affairs Office by the deadline.
2) Please follow the instructions of your fields and specialties regarding the format of your thesis.
3) The thesis title (including subtitles) should be the same as stated on your "Master's Thesis Title Notification" (not changeable).
4) After submitting your master's thesis to the Student Affairs Division, submit a PDF of the thesis via NUCT as well.
NUCT website
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