Obtaining a Teacher's License
You must obtain a teacher's license (hereinafter the "license") to become a teacher at a national, public or private school (kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, or high school). To obtain a license, you need to comply with the regulations set out in the Teaching License Act, obtain the specified credits in a university course recognized by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and follow the specified procedure.
Nagoya University is not a university whose main purpose is to train teachers. However, for students who have a strong desire to become a teacher, there are officially-recognized programs for obtaining a license in each School and Graduate School (with the exception of some undergraduate departments and graduate specialties). For this purpose, those who wish to become a teacher must obtain the required credits and, having obtained the basic qualifications such as university graduation, etc., can acquire the appropriate license by following the prescribed procedures used by the Board of Education in the relevant jurisdiction. This system is outlined below (In some cases, the University may carry out Board of Education procedures on the student's behalf). The teacher-training program requires cooperation from organizations outside the University, for teaching practice. Please do not sign up for a teacher-training program if you do not have a strong desire to become a teacher. Do not take the decision to participate lightly.
For more information, please click the following tab "名古屋大学教職課程について".
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