名古屋大学人文学研究科 Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities

Hideaki FUJIKI

Faculty members in the Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies Program

Associate faculty



Hideaki FUJIKI

Email address



Cinema studies, Japanese studies, Asian studies




Ph.D. in film, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. in film, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. in Japanese Studies, Nagoya University
B.A. in philosophy, Chuo University

Research interests

Film history, film theory, audience and citizenship, celebrity studies, transnational culture and society, transmedia

Classes Taught


Professional experience

Visiting Scholar, Harvard-Yenching Institute
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University
Lecturer, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University
Lecturer, School of Informatics and Sciences, Nagoya University

Selected publications

Making Personas: Transnational Film Stardom in Modern Japan. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asian Center, 2013.
(Co-editor) The Japanese Cinema Book. London: British Film Institute, forthcoming.
(Editor) Approaching Audiences [Kankyaku e no apurōchi]. Tokyo: Shinwasha, 2011.
(Co-editor) Postwar Japan as Images [Imēji to shite no sengo]. Tokyo: Seikyūsha, 2010.
"Creating the Popular Audience: Social Education and Cinema in Interwar Japan." In Oxford Handbook of Japanese Cinema, edited by Daisuke Miyao. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2013 (forthcoming).
"Canonising Sexual Image, Devaluing Gender Performance: Replacing the Onnagata with Female Actresses in Japan's Early Cinema." In Remapping World Cinema: Identity, Culture and Politics in Film, edited by Stephanie Dennison and Song Hwee Lim. London and New York: Wallflower Press, 2006, 147-160.
"Implicating Readers: Tezuka's Early Seinen Manga." Mechademia Vol. 10, 2013.
"Movie Advertisements and the Formation of a New Visual Environment in Interwar Japan." Japan Forum Vol. 23, Issue 1 (2011): 67-98.
"Visual Historiography in Japanese Photographic Collections of the Postwar Era." Review of Japanese Culture and Society no. XXI (December 2009): 51-70.
(Editor of translation) Thomas Lamarre. The Anime Machine: A Media Theory of Animation. Nagoya: University of Nagoya Press, 2013.
(Chief-translator) David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson. Film Art: An Introduction, 7th edition. Nagoya: University of Nagoya Press, 2007.


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