Yasuhira (Yahei) KANAYAMA
Faculty members in the Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies Program
Associate faculty
Yasuhira (Yahei) KANAYAMA
Email address
Philosophy, especially Ancient Greek Philosophy
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities
PhD (History of Western Philosophy) Kyoto University
Research Student (Classics) University of Cambridge
MLitt (History of Western Philosophy) Kyoto University
BA (History of Western Philosophy) Kyoto University
Research interests
Plato's Philosophy, especially his epistemology and methodology
Hellenistic Philosophy, especially Greek skepticism
Teaching classes
Professional experience
Professor (Nagoya University)
Associate Professor (Nagoya University)
Assistant Professor (Kyoto University)
Kanayama Y. (2013) Recognition, Concept Formation and Knowledge: Preliminary Consideration for the Theory of Recollection in Plato's Phaedo. Journal of the School of Letters, Nagoya University 9: 1-20.
Kanayama Y. (2012) Plato on the Problem of Written Texts. Global COE Program International Conference Series (Proceedings of the 13th International Conference) 19-28.
Kanayama Y. (2011) Plato as a Wayfinder: To Know Meno, the Robbery Case and the Road to Larissa. Japan Studies in Classical Antiquity (JASCA) 1: 63-88.
Kanayama Y. (2010) Taxonomy of Plato's Wayfinding Enquiry. HERSETEC 4 (1): 1-21.
Kanayama Y. (2009) What is It Like to Know Platonic Forms?: Knowing Meno, the Power of Dialogue, and the Cave and the Line. Journal of the School of Letters, Nagoya University 5: 1-15
Kanayama Y. (2000) The Methodology of the Second Voyage and the Proof of the Soul's Indestructibility in Plato's Phaedo. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 18: 41-100.
Kanayama Y. (1987) Perceiving, Considering, and Attaining Being (Theaetetus 184-6). Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 5: 29-81.
Kanayama Y. (2013) Greek to Japanese translation of Aristotle, On Coming-to-be and Passing-away.
Kanayama Y. and Kanayama M. (2011) Greek to Japanese translation of Sextus Empiricus, Against Professors vols. 9-11 (Against Physicists, Against Ethicists).
Kawada S., Kanayama Y., Kanayama M. and Izumi Ch. (2009) English to Japanese translation of G.E.R. Lloyd, Ancient Worlds, Modern Reflections.
Kanayama Y. and Kanayama M. (2006) Greek to Japanese translation of Sextus Empiricus, Against Professors vols. 7-8 (Against Logicians).
Kanayama Y. and Kanayama M. (2004) Greek to Japanese translation of Sextus Empiricus, Against Professors vols. 1-6.
Kanayama Y. (2003) English to Japanese translation of A.A. Long, Hellenistic Philosophy.
Yamano K., Yamaguchi Y. and Kanayama Y. (2000) English to Japanese translation of G.E.R. Lloyd, Greek Science after Aristotle.
Kanayama Y. and Kanayama M. (1998) Greek to Japanese translation of Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Pyrrhonism vols 1-3.
Kanayama Y. (1990) English to Japanese translation of J. Annas and J. Barnes, The Modes of Scepticism.
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